Started to worry ..
In my previous post, I told you that I have two daughters & a son.
Their ages are 13, 7 &1 year old son.
As a mother, &because I enjoyed my childhood, I try to challenge the reality to offer them the best life possible.
When I had my first baby, I was shocked by how difficult it is when I couldn’t find toys for her (the unjust regime did not allow the importation & we did not have an Iraqi made toys).I started to look for magazines of handmade work. I made many nice things for her .Then I made many many toys for children in the family& for friends.
I always remember my parents say about how the toys important for the children’s mental growth. That is why I cared a lot about making toys for my baby & others.
When my child entered the kindergarten ,I saw the swing ,see-saw, hammock & the slide game.They were old & badly damaged . I saw 4 years old children playing with those dangerous games ,they were only remnants of very old games.I got angry ,these children might get seriously hurt & the teachers not even awared .In the next day my father In law & I bought wood ,took tooles,we made steps for the slide game , we removed the sharp edges& fixed the other games. Then we gave the night watchman money to remove the long cane & grasses After a hard work we gave the kindergarten a nice garden with safe games.
These are only simple examples ,to give you an idea about the start of my anxiety.
As my children grow up ,I become more anxious.
When sunshine ( yes my first child is Sunshine ) became 8 years old, I began to think about bringing her a computer.Till that time I did not have a computer & I didn't know how to use it .
With all the money I had , I bought a computer, & attended a private lessons for 2 weeks , & started to teach Sunshine how to use the computer & you see that she is now a good writer .I always brought her good educating programs,(although they were quite expensive), to learn English .Her other sister (Sunray) started to learn in her third year.
Now I worry about their safety when they are at home or out .
Sunshine's school is far from our house she was trapped in her way many times .
Sunray had very bad memories; she witnessed many battles in her way to school, and inside her school.
All these & much more makes me worried all the time ….
In my next post, I will write about …. You will find out.
Mama …