
talk about my life as a young mother hoping to do the best for her children in spite of the life difficulies.As a Dentist I want to share you my occupational ticklers...

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Location: mosul, Iraq

I am a 37 years old mom ,I am a mother of 3 children. I am a Dentist. I try to make every thing perfect. The life I have, the difficulties I face make me anxious.. I like to have a social life; I cannot resist my feeling of being lonely, but I don’t have good social life, & I am lonely.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dangrous democracy

Hi ,
My daughters are in their spring vacation now , we are going to Baghdad, in fact we were not sure it's a good idea .these days the situation is not promising. it swings according to the mood and controversy of the politicians .therefore it's obvious they are not in a good mood as many cars exploded to kill hundreds of innocents in front of the whole word in the name of democracy. Any way what made me decide to go to the Baghdad is to seek a medical advice hoping to find a good doctor not yet killed or left the country. My intraocular pressure is high and I may need an operation. so you see we need your prayers to stay safe , and find some medical help, it won't be easy believe me.


Blogger Dancewater said...

I hope it turns out well for you.

30 January, 2010  
Blogger jarvenpa said...

I hope you are safe, and find the medical help you need.

31 January, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for you. I hope you have a fruitful visit to Baghdad and can find a specialist that can help you feel better.

If it's possible for you to take pictures and share them with us, I think a lot of your readers would appreciate it because it would help us better understand your situation.

I wish you all the best, Momma. Our governments don't really represent us. You didn't deserve to have your country destroyed because my government decided your former government had to be ousted. The truth is we are all just people who want to find happiness and love in our lives. Thousands of miles, seemingly endless oceans, and whatever geopolitical strategy can't separate us from being human beings who share the same common goals in life.

I wish you all the best, and I very much hope you recover with expediency from what ails you.


07 February, 2010  
Anonymous Srik said...

I also pray for u...Hope u get well soon...Am also a mommy blogger, i hate spamming yr comment box so can we exlinks..
my site: http://itsallabouttheworld.blogspot.com do reply me thnx

09 February, 2010  

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