
talk about my life as a young mother hoping to do the best for her children in spite of the life difficulies.As a Dentist I want to share you my occupational ticklers...

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Location: mosul, Iraq

I am a 37 years old mom ,I am a mother of 3 children. I am a Dentist. I try to make every thing perfect. The life I have, the difficulties I face make me anxious.. I like to have a social life; I cannot resist my feeling of being lonely, but I don’t have good social life, & I am lonely.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dangrous democracy

Hi ,
My daughters are in their spring vacation now , we are going to Baghdad, in fact we were not sure it's a good idea .these days the situation is not promising. it swings according to the mood and controversy of the politicians .therefore it's obvious they are not in a good mood as many cars exploded to kill hundreds of innocents in front of the whole word in the name of democracy. Any way what made me decide to go to the Baghdad is to seek a medical advice hoping to find a good doctor not yet killed or left the country. My intraocular pressure is high and I may need an operation. so you see we need your prayers to stay safe , and find some medical help, it won't be easy believe me.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back to writing ,probably!!!

Hi , after a long time I wanted to write again maybe I can empty my chest from the pain and sorrow I feel .it is very hard for me ,to live without hope ,it makes me ill all the time ,powerless and sad.
But I have responsibilities toward my family ,specially my kids and that need motivation which is so hard to find, and makes me try so hard to do my best for them ,but still it's the least I can do, with such a spirit.
My country is on fire , it's running toward dire future, it's people looks different after those bloody years .I feel stranger in my country.