
talk about my life as a young mother hoping to do the best for her children in spite of the life difficulies.As a Dentist I want to share you my occupational ticklers...

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Location: mosul, Iraq

I am a 37 years old mom ,I am a mother of 3 children. I am a Dentist. I try to make every thing perfect. The life I have, the difficulties I face make me anxious.. I like to have a social life; I cannot resist my feeling of being lonely, but I don’t have good social life, & I am lonely.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

why we are poor?

My uncle sent me this ,share it with me ,please .
To reflect and... Act.
The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country.
This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt, that are more than 2000 years old and are poor. On the other hand, Canada, Australia & New Zealand, that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries and are rich.
The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.

Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw material from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.
Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate of the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality.
It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world’s strong safe.
Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference.
Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.
What is the difference then?....
The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture. On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the
great majority follow the following principles in their lives:

1. Ethics, as a basic principle.
2. Integrity.
3. Responsibility.
4. Respect to the laws & rules.
5. Respect to the rights of other citizens.
6. Work loving.
7. Strive for saving & investment.
8. Will of super action.
9. Punctuality.

In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.
We are not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us.
We are poor because we lack attitude. We lack the will to comply with and teach these functional principles of rich & developed societies.

don't you agree with my uncle?
I do....

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Stop killing innocents..

Hello ,
I read an essay about "murdering Iraqi Christians and others in the name of Islam".
Muslims' propagandists call for jihad without explaining it properly ,and they don't forbid killing innocent people from any religion .they call for that professedly in the mosques. killing people it self is something not accepted or even allowed in every empyreal religion…
From my point of view ,I see many simple minded people sympathies with those murderers and believe they are heroes( mujahideen), that makes me RAGING.
But what made me more and more angry was the meeting of the Islamic congress in Saudi Arabia, to issue an agreement between the Islamic cults Sunni and Shiites( shame on you ,did Mohammad separate us into cults, I thought he united us to be monotheists) ,they nominated to stop killing Muslims( what about the others?, I thought you will be unequivocal about FORBIDDING killing unexclusively ,and where were you three years ago, does your meeting mean that you have a role in the bloodshed ! ),we need someone to explain AL- jihad to the benighted juveniles who had been used to kill innocents and to deface Islam), Saudi Arabia announced that it was NOT PARTICIPANT IN this conference, but the Saudis are DEEPLY HURT from the Iraqi suffering!!….what made me extra mad was to know that they were preparing to this meeting since a YEAR now!!!, WAKE UP MUSLIMS' LEADERS.
Sincere Iraqi Muslim