
talk about my life as a young mother hoping to do the best for her children in spite of the life difficulies.As a Dentist I want to share you my occupational ticklers...

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Location: mosul, Iraq

I am a 37 years old mom ,I am a mother of 3 children. I am a Dentist. I try to make every thing perfect. The life I have, the difficulties I face make me anxious.. I like to have a social life; I cannot resist my feeling of being lonely, but I don’t have good social life, & I am lonely.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Short notes about my diary in August .

Hi there, how are you?
I did not write to you since along time, because I am studying to be ready for the Msc application exam. Although the chance to be accepted is very low, because only four will be accepted after the exam and the interview, among hundreds of contestants, but at least I am trying. and it's hard to study among 3 kids, have nothing to do in their hot boring summer holiday, in fact I feel guilty to be busy for not spending enough time with them. it is also hard because of the very hot weather, the temperature is 47C,the electricity is out for about 20 hours a day. We don't sleep well at night, and while I am studying, I usually be so sweaty and hypotensive.At work, my room is hell, with only a fan in the ceiling I sweat like I am melting, it's too hard , upsetting ,embarrassing, and it's difficult to work like that.
I miss my parents and sister so badly. I did not see my parents since February, while I did not see Rose for more than a year .I though my study will make me busy to think about my longing, but I was absolutely wrong.